Bretton Woods Research, LLC
A Macro Research & Forecasting Firm
Article DateArticle Title
Jun 19, 2024Après Macron: Tax Hikes & Austerity?
May 31, 2024Global: Netherlands Edges Closer to Conservative Government; Claudia Sheinbaum: Mexico’s Julia Gillard?
May 24, 2024Gold’s Retreat & Mideast Geopolitics; HCMT Update: NAIL
May 20, 2024Brief: After Iran`s Hard Landing
Mar 18, 2024As Oil Creeps Higher, the BOJ Plans Normalization
Jan 25, 2024Geopolitical Threats to the Market
Dec 30, 2023Europe’s Political Calendar: 2023 Review & 2024 Preview Under Monetary Ease
Dec 19, 2023Argentina’s Curious Devaluation Against the Backdrop of Fed Easing
Nov 20, 2023Milei’s Mandate for Prosperity in Argentina
Oct 24, 2023Rally on Delayed Invasion; A Pragmatic Peronist for Argentina?
Oct 09, 2023War on Gaza
Sep 28, 2023Poland`s Bear Market
Aug 29, 2023Taiwan: Terry Gou’s Bid to Derail the DPP Has the Numbers
Aug 17, 2023What`s Going on With the Yen & Yuan?
Aug 11, 2023Niger and the New Scramble for Africa
Aug 08, 2023Italian Populists Navigate Between ECB`s Robo-Tightening & Rising Bank Profits
Jul 24, 2023First Thoughts on Spanish Election: Could a Grand Coalition Emerge?
Jun 13, 2023The Fed, Its Seven Monetary Allies, & Lagging Energy Prices
May 17, 2023Turkey: Erdoğan’s Fiscal Journey to Go Full Circle, Despite Likely May 28th Victory?
May 12, 2023Turkey: If Erdogan Loses on Sunday...
Mar 21, 2023France: The Borne Sacrifice
Mar 15, 2023China’s Middle East Debut
Feb 23, 2023Turkey: Erdogan’s New Direction
Jan 24, 2023Ukraine, Waller, Gold, Japan
Dec 20, 2022Rate Hiking Pandemic Spreads to Japan?
Nov 16, 2022Ukrainian Missiles Hit Poland
Sep 28, 2022The Battle for Britain & a Mexico 1982 Moment?
Sep 07, 2022Ukraine War: Diplomacy Short-circuited in Kyiv & Europe`s Energy Wedge
Aug 23, 2022UK: Embracing Growth, Liz Truss Leaps Ahead of Rishi Sunak
Jul 26, 2022Why Lagarde Will Continue to Raise Rates in Euroland