Bretton Woods Research, LLC
A Macro Research & Forecasting Firm

Products and Services


Domestic Market Report   Global Market Report
In-depth reports on significant developments in the U.S. political economy and how they affect financial markets. We outline the big picture and provide a singular perspective important for any fund manager. We address questions such as where equities and debt prices are headed and which asset classes will outperform their benchmarks in the current environment.     Comprehensive coverage of developments and opportunities outside of the United States.  We cover and advise clients on the financial markets of more than 50 countries.  
Recommended Readings   Conference Calls
Culled from our day-to-day surveillance, we publish these impact pieces to supplement our ongoing analysis of the global political economy.     On a monthly basis and on an individual basis with clients, we run through the major macro events impacting the financial and political markets.  Many clients have found this an indispensable part of our service.

Thematic Reports
MSCI World Ranking
The BWR MSCI World Ranking provides a succinct review of the macroeconomic and political events impacting the 45 countries that comprise the MSCI All Country World Index, and ranks those countries' stock markets by expected performance. This far-reaching report analyzes the various variables and policies affecting the respective countries. Clients have found this to be a tremendous resource for interpreting global events, and the direction of myriad foreign markets.
    High Conviction Macro Trades
We periodically drill-down to identify specific, actionable recommendations given our unique treatment of the big picture. We often make our recommendations using exchange traded funds with predetermined targets and stop/loss thresholds.
Global Political Calendar
We highlight important, market impacting elections around the world during the given calendar year.
    U.S. Elections Watch
During the election season, the U.S. Elections Watch assesses the political market place and predicts the potential impact on domestic and global financial markets.